A meat restaurant with many awards and excellent grades.
Restaurant Meet has for several years been named Meat Pub of the Year.
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Meet's hallmark is simplicity, here you let the raw material play the main role. As a guest, you are met by a very passionate and knowledgeable staff who do everything to just you should get an experience beyond the ordinary. You choose between accessories such as handmade french fries strips, sauces for their own selected meat grilled to perfection in the kitchen. The king of these is, of course, the legendary Kobe steak. The result is a sensual pleasure for a meat lover. So tender and tasty that you can not help but write poetry about the experience.
At Meet we specialize in meat and also have our own hung tender meat. Feel free to ask our staff what is available.
Restaurant Meet has been nominated for this year's meat restaurant for several years in a row and is considered of many to be
one of by far the most popular meat restaurants on the West Coast.
Thereto have we attracted attention with very positive reviews of e.g. Tripadvisor read more here »
Also most important of all, wonderful feedback of our constantly returning guests.